6 days journals of Training in Bangkok, Picture of the organizations that work for children
The participants were come from five organizations of 4 countries, there are PKPA (Indonesia), CEFACOM (Vietnam), ECPAT Cambodia (Cambodia), Ecpat Foundation (Thailand) and Ecpat International (Bangkok Regional office). Each oraganizations are representated by two persons, Indonesia was represented Misran Lubis and Keumala Dewi. This Training was held for four days since 25th-28th October 2011 at Grand Mercure Fortune Bangkok Hotel. This Hotel is save from the flood that happening in some areas in Thailand.
Even the participants are a little worried about the flood that come closer to the centre of bangkok city, but the training is still running seriously and focus. The theme of the training is to discuss about the child protection organizations, are they already ’safe” to the children or in another word Chil Safe Organization.
Why this training is Important or why is it necessary to publish the issue of Child Safe organization?? In a presentation about the reflection that presented by each participants, there are many child situation, where they are become beneficieries from a child organization but they are not always safe. If there is no proper policy or procedure, than the posibilities of the children to get exploited or abused are high. for example, several years ago bangkok city was shocked because of an activis who also a leader of a child protection organization, he did a sexual abuses to six children that lived in the shelter. He actually get 48 punishment in the court, but the case is become reflection to the organizations that served the children.
In Indonesia also happened some sexual abuse cases, rape, and even mistreatment to children by the organizations that worked to serve the children, such as orphanage house, school but there are no further research about the case that probably could happen in NGO in Indonesia. Eventhough, there are many activities that potentially can caused the children in danger potition such as at emergency phase after Tsunami in Aceh and Nias five years ago.
Learning from the situations and the reflection of the weakness of the control and regulation in child protection organization, the idea comes from Ecpat International supported by Save The Children UK and Unicef to make guideline in developing policy and procedure in child protection for NGOs that have direct or indirect services to the children.
Follow Up :
The Training that facilitated by Ecpat International is the first activity after the guideline was made. Some organization in Indonesia that have services to the children are probably already have the policy and procedure, or code of conduct. But, it is also possible that there are some organiozation that have not apply it yet. Because of that, it is important for us, as part of community, government or the stakeholders of organization to ask the child organization if they already have the policy and procedure in serving the children.
Meanwhile, the Ecpat International will ask the participants to do the coordination with Ecpat network or other organization to follow up the guideline. There are 22 organizations that become the members of Ecpat Affiliation in Indonesia that spreaded in 11 province. And the first activitiy from PKPA as the follow up is doing the coordination with Ecpat Indonesia in Jakarta to develop the policy and procedure in each member.
The goal of the development of the policy and procedure of child protection organization is to make safety for the children when they received services from from the organization or when the organization intervening the programm in the communty, the potential of the violence, exploitation and abuses to the children are minimum. And PKPA will do revise to the code of conduct to make more comprehensive regulation because it is possible to have weakness in some part. (@Misran-Keumala)
Foto: During discussion of Child safe organization
Left to the right: Misran Lubis (PKPA-Indonesia), Trinh Van Huong (CEFACOM-Vietnam) dan Suon Soveasna (Ecpat Cambodia).
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