Stop Buruh Anak

Stop Buruh Anak

Selasa, Mei 17, 2011

Workshop for Elimination of Child Labor in South Nias

PKPA and Social Department of South Nias are making the workshop Elimination of Child Labor

With the theme “ For Free Child Labor of South Nias”, PKPA are collaboration with Social Department of South Nias and supported by Kindernothilfe are hold the workshop to evaluate the local regulation and program development of elimination of the worst form of child labor. The workshop was hold for 2 days from 10 – 11 Mei 2011, at Rai Center, Teluk Dlama, South Nias. The facilitator of the workshop is Misran Lubis (external Director of PKPA Medan).
The regent of South Nias that represented by the functionary of the Head of Social Department, Mr. Tandramböwö Lase are officially open the workshop. In his speech, the functionary of the head of Social Department of Souht Nias was say that the child problem are very complex, not only the laboring problem, there are many problem that have not solved properly. Such as trafficking for boys and girls, mistreatment and abandonment. Further, Mr. Tandrambowo Lase say his thankful for PKPA because of their continuity comitment to give attention for children in South Nias.
The workshop was attended by 30 participants who become the member of Action commitee of ellimination of the worst form of child labor in South Nias, they are representing many organization such as goverment, religious organization, community organization and local university. For two days, they are discuss and evaluate the situation of child labor in South Nias, the participants also making the recomendations to be followed up by the government and the community in South Nias. There are :
- Action Commitee of South Nias to Elliminate the worst form of child labor already formed through decission letter from the regent of South Nias since Mei 2010, the commitee should make the program and budget in each department to handle the child problem in South Nias.
- The local government of South Nias have to make regulation to state the kind of worst form of child labor that forbidden for children in South Nias and make socialization to the community.
- Providing the services infrastructure for the children that become the victim of violence, sexual abuse and abandonment.
At the end of the workshop, all the participants declare their support and commitment to guide, so the recommendation that will be conveyed to the leaders in each department, will be realized. (Mis/PKPA 11-Mei-2011).

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