Stop Buruh Anak

Stop Buruh Anak

Kamis, Desember 29, 2011

Press Release Spesial Nias_Catahu PKPA Nias 2011


Secara kuantitas, laporan kasus kekerasan terhadap anak di Nias yang diterima oleh PKPA sepanjang tahun 2011 menurun dratis hampir 60%. Dari 59 kasus kekerasan terhadap anak pada tahun 2010, turun menjadi 23 kasus pada tahun 2011. Penurunan kecil juga terjadi pada laporan anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum, tahun 2010 PKPA menerima 38 laporan anak sebagai pelaku tindak pidana atau anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum, sementara pada tahun 2011 PKPA menerima 37 kasus.

Pada kasus kekerasan terhadap anak, dominasi korban kekerasan adalah anak perempuan 15 anak dan laki-laki 8 anak. sementara sebagai pelaku tindak pidana anak laki-laki lebih dominan yaitu 32 anak dan anak perempuan 5 anak. kekerasan terhadap anak dimoniasi oleh kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT) yaitu 39% dan kekerasan seksual 35%. Secara kualitas kekerasan tidak terlalu berbeda dengan kekerasan yang terjadi pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Sedikitnya 2 anak mengalami kekerasan seksual disertai pembunuhan dan 5 anak harus menjalani perawatan intensif dirumah sakit karena kondisi kritis akibat kekerasan. Korban KDRT pada dasarnya tidak hanya anak-anak, namun juga perempuan sebagai istri banyak mengalami kekerasan, namun banyaknya faktor yang menghambat kaum perempuan untuk melaporkan dan melanjutkan kasusnya dipengadilan sehingga kasus-kasus KDRT banyak ditutupi dan diselesaikan dalam ranah keluarga saja.

Keterlibatan anak-anak sebagai pelaku tindak pidana juga sangat memperihatinkan, mereka banyak terlibat dalam kasus-kasus tindak pidana berat. Bahkan salatu anak yang menjadi korban perkosaan dan pembunuhan di Nias Selatan pelakunya adalah 2 orang anak yang usianya hanya teraput 1 dan 2 tahun dari usia korban. mereka adalah teman sekolah dan sekaligus “pacar” salah satu dari pelaku. Kasus terbanyak yang dilakukan anak-anak adalah pencurian 16 anak, penganiayaan 10 anak dan kekerasan seksual 3 anak. Kasus-kasus lainya adalah: Pengancaman 1 kasus, narkoba 1 kasus, kecelakaan lalulintas 4 kasus dan perjudian 2 kasus. (Misran Lubis/Tim PKPA Nias)

Senin, Desember 05, 2011


Gunung Sitoli, 2 December 2011

Heavy rain has triggered flood and landslide in Ulu Mazo Village, the Sub Districtof Gomo. Daniel Gunawan said that the landslide buried a house, killed 4 people and 1 people was still missing. The landslide struck at 2 p.m. when some high vocational school students were on their way home. However, they had to stop in one of residential houses because of heavy rain. When they were in the house, the landslide suddenly struck and burried them. The natural disaster killed four students in the house. Our field informant, Fedianto Winowa’a, said that the four girls are Nia Hulu (15 years), Nove Sadawa (15 years), Yeri Dahulu (17 years) and Masrida Hulu (17 years). Ina Ramasi Hulu, owner of the house, said that she survived when the disaster struck. Since Gui-gui Susua bridge also collapsed, the affected areas were still isolated. However, a rescue team from Nias Police was sent to the areas. The bridge collapse also killed a woman. (Source: Sigana-Nias)

A medical team from public health centers in the Sub Districts of Lahusa and Gomo was trying to reach the affected areas. Sadly, they still could not reach them due to bridge collapse. The evacuation team consists of Search and Rescue team, police and soldiers. Up to now, the affected community has not yet received any aids. Vice District Head and Sub District Head’s wife have succeeded to reach the affected areas via a winding path which is vulnerable to landslides.

Assessment conducted by PKPA show that due to the bridge collapse in Baruzo Village, the Sub District of Mazo, the District of South Nias, it is particularly difficult to reach areas affected by the flood and landslide. Since the affected areas can only be reached by a boat provided by the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas), it is difficult to distribute aids and send volunteers. PKPA-Nias alone has conducted a rapid assessment in the field and coordinated with SIGANA to join with the humanitarian team and distribute aids to the affected community. The humanitarian aids consist of foods from PKPA-Nias and Caritas Sibolga. In addition to visiting areas struck by the landslide, SIGANA will visit survivors who are currently being treated in a public health center in Teluk Dalam. One of the victims is a child under the age of five who is suffering a serious wound on his face. Humanitarian team who is being sent to Baruzo Village consists of Hotlan Situmorang (PKPA-Nias), Sozanolo Daeli (LBATANI), Isak Maruli Siregar (LEDP) and a team from CKS.

Flood and landslide are also a serious threat in other sub districts in Nias Island. Gunung Sitoli, for example, is particularly vulnerable to flash flood from Nou River. If it rains for 2-3 days, it usually will cause floods in densely populated areas in Gunung Sitoli. (Reported by: Keumala Dewi, Area Manager of PKPA-Nias)